Quickly solving your problems remotely and on location
With our 24/7 support, your problems will be solved in no time, so you can quickly focus on your business.
No need to focus on IT anymore, you can completely focus on your own company. We will take care of everything regarding IT.

Service level agreement
Do you require a faster response time? Or a different working method? In our service level agreement (SLA), we state all the agreements that we made. We will establish the support levels that you require per issue difficulty or end user. In this way, you know what to expect from your IT partner. We will regularly review and report on our services.

24/7 remote support
We provide 24/7 IT support to our clients in Europe via our servicedesk. This means that you can always reach us when a problem occurs in your hardware or in your software. Remotely we have access to all relevant information and programs to help you, which makes us able to help you independently without being on location. For example, did your employee lose their password? We will help you recover your password quickly, so you can continue your work quickly.

On-site in Europe
With an IT expert at your location, you can easily tap into the latest knowledge. EDSAS IT Support Europe offers periodic local support. We frequently send our IT experts to locations of our clients. This allows for our IT expert to have a face to face meeting with you during which you can discuss progress, ask questions or address new IT problems. Do any problems occur while they are at your office? Then your problems can be fixed immediately.
Support levels
End-user support can vary per employee. Some problems require a faster response time and a quick solve. With our various levels of support, you can decide the response time of our servicedesk department. With our VIP support you can contact our servicedesk 24/7. We will immediately start working on your problem and quickly solve your problem. Our first line support can be contacted for issues regarding your workplace. More difficult issues are handled by our second line support.

Ticket management
You can easily decide which tickets at your system you want to be fixed internally in your company or externally by EDSAS. It is up to you on which tickets you want to be unburdened. Ticketing is very flexible. On busy periods, you can create more tickets for EDSAS. Are you experiencing a quiet period? Then you can solve more within your own company.

Professional advice and support
In order to enhance your user experience and provide you with the best solutions, we keep track of the latest developments and trends in the IT world. That’s why our team of professionals will always provide you with professional advice and IT support in Europe. Our service does not stop at implementations. We regularly review your IT solutions in order to find new improvements. In this way you keep the best user experience possible.
No more worries about IT problems. Our IT experts will solve your problem in no time.
24/7 support
You can reach our servicedesk 24/7 for all your IT problems.
Easily scale up or down the amount of tickets, so your employees are always receiving quick support
Years of experience
You are able to tap into the knowledge, skills and experience of various IT experts.