All the programs you need for an effective workplace

Microsoft Exchange
It is of great importance that customers, partners and employees can reach you. They expect fast response via mail. Microsoft Exchange enables you to send and read mails in a web version. This package contains a mailbox with a capacity of 50 GB. In this way, you can easily contact everyone via mail.

Microsoft 365
Your employees need the right programs in order to work effectively. This package contains commonly known programs like Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams. Nowadays, those programs are daily used by companies as well as individuals. No wonder, as it allows you to easily work together online. Is a new employee starting? Your licenses are flexible and therefore you can easily change the amount of licenses.

Back-up services
Is your company prepared for data loss? You can easily make the wrong step and loose data. For example, your employee accidently deletes an important file or you loose your important data due to a cyberattack. Lost data can have huge consequences for your company. Therefore, it is important that you make a copy of your data regularly. In this way, you always have your data, no matter what happens. We regularly make a back-up from all your Microsoft 365 applications and other important files.
Virtual desktop
Flexible workplaces can be hard to manage. Different end users require different programs. Installment of programs takes a lot of time. Time that can be used for more pressing matters. With a virtual desktop your employee can log in on any workplace. Software and files will be accessed on their own personal desktop. Therefore, they are able to work at any workplace within your office.

Create your own software package
Software needs may differ per employee. A marketing employee may need CRM software, video editing software or Adobe programs. However, an administrative employee does not need these programs and may need other programs like administrative programs. Choose the software based on the needs of your employees and create your own software package.

Benefits of programs via EDSAS
Choose programs that fit your needs in order to work effectively.
Work effectively
Create with the right programs the best user experience for your employees.
Flexible license management
You can easily scale up or down your licenses.
Fit your needs
Create per end user a different software package that includes all needed programs.
Per user / per month
Datto SaaS Protection
Datto SaaS Defense
Microsoft 365